
Illustrator Composition Composer (Batch Save by layer Combinations Illustrator script) Best for NFT Generate

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Illustrator Composition Composer (Batch Save by layer Combinations Illustrator script) Best for NFT Generate

Batch Illustrator Composition Composer

Best For NFT Generate

This script will create unique compositions out of members contained within the top-level document groups, and save them into the desired location as a Png, EPS. This Script is Capable to Run Batch you can run it Unlimited File At a time. Support All OS. Tested on Illustrator CC 2014.


1. Download and unzip Save by layer Combination-V-2.zip-file
2. Close Illustrator if it is open.
3. Copy the script and its ‘Scripts Only’ folder to the Scripts folder in your Illustrator installation directory. On Windows, the path will be something like C:\Program Files\Adobe\Illustrator CC\Presets\Scripts. On a MAC this folder is found here: Applications > Illustrator CC > Presets > Scripts.
4. Open Illustrator.
5. The script will now appear on the File > Scripts menu and can be run from here at any time.

Running an Illustrator Script without Installing

1. Ensure the script and its ‘Scripts Only’ folder are located in the same directory.
2. Open Illustrator.
3. Select File > Scripts > Browse and navigate to the ‘Save by layer Combination.jsx’ file.
4. The script will run.

Note: use prefix (double underscore) for top-level group names to exclude groups from the composition composting process. E.g. __ignoreThisGroup

See the Example and the Preview below to learn how it works

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